“Want To See The Little-Known ‘Side Gig’ That’s Paying Thousands Of People Full-Time Incomes?”
Introducing a fully-automatic, passive business model that involves no recruiting, advertising, funnel-building, list-building, monthly autoships or hassles.  
Hey, Tony here. 

The fact that you’re here means that you requested some info about a little “side gig” that I’ve been working on for some time.

I’ve not told anyone about it.  I’ve run no ads.  I’ve not recruited anyone.  

In fact, at this moment, only my wife and small handful of people know about it.
So, here’s the scoop:  my son is at the University of Alabama.  Awhile back, he called me and asked me a question I didn’t have a good answer to.

He said, “Dad, do you know of any business I could do that wouldn’t take too much time away from my work/school?”

I have to admit, I was stumped.  
  • He didn’t have time to learn how to do internet marketing, write copy, or learn what I can teach him about advertising and marketing.
  •  He also didn’t have time to fool around with anything that involved physical inventory or shipping.  So forget anything to do with Ebay, Etsy, etc.
  •  He’s not a graphic designer so setting up an outsourced T-shirt gig wasn’t an option
  •  A Fulfilled-By-Amazon business would be worth looking at but it was going to be too time-intensive to learn and setup.  The vendor/product research alone would be too time-consuming
That bugged me.

So, ever since, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for something that would be suitable for him and anyone in his situation.

Here’s what’s funny:  when I found it…it was kind of hiding right under my nose.  And it’s a little different from what you might expect.  Even if you’ve been keeping up with my business for years....you’ve never seen me talk about this.

I don’t want to keep you in suspense but I also don’t have any interest in talking to 1,000 people about this.  

It’s nothing personal.  But, this is a “side gig” for me.  So I’m only interested in fielding questions from people who are likely to see the same thing I saw.

So, let me see if I can run you off.  Do you mind?

Here’s who I’m looking for...
  • You’ll need some money.  It’s not a lot. You can pretty much do this if you have anywhere from $250-$2,500.  (If I remember right, I started out with around $1,200.  It’s up to you.  There ARE some options available for less than $250 but you miss out on some advantages if you start with too little.)
  •  You need to be a bit of a contrarian.  This is a little “off-the-beaten-path”.  So, if you’re the kind of person who’s addicted to the approval of others…or if you get nervous and anxious when you see something unfamiliar, then this probably isn’t for you.  (Put it this way:  if you’re the kind of person who always orders the chicken fingers and would never dream of trying sushi….this probably isn’t for you).
  •  You need about an hour to go through the information.  I know some of you guys don’t like watching videos and, to be honest, sometimes, I do too.  So I’ve provided a lot of details in the form of a personal letter.  If you read the letter and don’t just skip around, you’ll get it.  If you’ve got a ton of questions after reading the letter, watch the video before emailing me. 
  •  Don’t make assumptions.  I once created a $41,000/month income from a business that I almost said ‘no’ to.  Why?  Because, at first glance, I thought, “This is X”….and it turned out to be “Y”.  I thought it was something that it wasn’t.    Fortunately for me, I took the time to take a closer look and I found out that it wasn’t what I thought.  So, pay attention to what I’m actually saying…not what you think I’m GOING to say.
I think that’s it.  Still here?

Okay, then.  Click the button to get some details and I’ll see you on the next page.
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DISCLAIMER: This information is being provided for information purposes only.  No guarantees are made or implied.  always contact a professional investment advisor before making investments.  This information is intended to provide education and information about bitcoin investing as well as links to vendors whom you may be interested in learning more about.  By accessing this site and information, you agree that the publisher of this site is not responsible for your own decisions and actions.  This is all pretty much common sense.  But given the number of people in our society who always look for someone else to blame for their unhappiness, it’s important that we speak clearly and candidly.  Your results in anything you pursue will always be based on your own level of time, energy and commitment to learning successful methods.  We do not believe in “get rich quick” schemes.  Instead, we believe in working hard, being of value and honing your craft so that you can get the best results in life that you possibly can.  Be a good person, serve others and be happy.    

© - SwiftWorks Marketing, a division of Kingston Station, LLC

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"Here Are 4 Things I Just Started Doing That Are Working For Me"